City Landscapes Paintings

C80201: Green Fence I - Hide & Seek - Beautiful city landscapes paintings of freelance scientific illustrator and plein-air artist Patrice Stephens-Bourgeault

“Green Fence I
– Hide & Seek”

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C81001: Green Fence II - Beautiful city landscapes paintings of freelance scientific illustrator and plein-air artist Patrice Stephens-Bourgeault

“Green Fence II”

D20501: Davis' Home - Beautiful city landscapes paintings of freelance scientific illustrator and plein-air artist Patrice Stephens-Bourgeault

“Davis’ Home”

D70101: Maple Crest - Beautiful city landscapes paintings of freelance scientific illustrator and plein-air artist Patrice Stephens-Bourgeault

“Maple Crest”

D30701: Beaverton Boat House - Beautiful city landscapes paintings of freelance scientific illustrator and plein-air artist Patrice Stephens-Bourgeault

“Beaverton Boat House”

D20801: At Home, Summer - Beautiful city landscapes paintings of freelance scientific illustrator and plein-air artist Patrice Stephens-Bourgeault

“At Home, Summer”

D20901: Edenbridge Farm House - Noon Time - Beautiful city landscape paintings of freelance scientific illustrator and plein-air artist Patrice Stephens-Bourgeault

“Edenbridge Farm House
– Noon Time”

D2MM02: Vaughn Barn - Beautiful city landscape of freelance scientific illustrator and plein-air artist Patrice Stephens-Bourgeault

“Vaughn Barn”

City Landscapes Paintings

All above fine art city landscapes paintings where created live on location

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Recent Paintings

Most Recent Painting of Scientific Illustrations by freelance scientific illustrator and plein-air artist Patrice Stephens-Bourgeault

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